A faithful helpmeet within our role:
Who can find a virtuous wife?
For her worth is far above rubies.
The heart of her husband safely trusts her;
So he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil
All the days of her life. Proverbs 31:10-12
Does the heart of your husband safely trust in you? Are you being a faithful helpmeet within your role?
Recently we have had some changes in our household, strict lockdowns, a toddler learning to walk and my husband starting a new job (still working from home). He has been also working late nights and has a lot on his plate at the moment with added responsibility. It has also made me step up in my role as wife and homemaker. I have seen a real need to keep things in order and running smoothly so that my husband can focus on his work.
Some of the things I wanted to write about are things I have touched upon in other posts such as being a virtuous wife, using our time wisely and being good in general. My thoughts for this post have been about being faithful helpmeet within our role, especially when your husband is not watching.
I have heard many women complain about how their husband comes home from work and is upset because the house is a mess, there is no meal prepared and the kids have not done homeschool or had any structure. These women believe that there should be no expectation put upon them and that they are free to do go out and do what they please. As Christian women this is simply not true.
(Please don’t think I am judging all women and their unique circumstances. This is not for women who are going through a particularly busy season in life and struggling to keep up).
One definition of Faithful is this:
1.complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
Is this how your husband feels about you? Is he able to have complete confidence and trust in that you will fulfil your duties without causing dishonour to him? Another word that comes to mind is capable.
1.having the ability, fitness, or quality necessary to do or achieve a specified thing.
2.able to achieve efficiently whatever one has to do; competent.
A husband cannot fully focus on his work, ministry and other responsibilities if he must concern himself with his wife’s duties. A wife must seek to be capable and trustworthy in her role.
We need to think of our husband’s as our earthly Master’s and submit to them as unto the Lord. In this way we will see that we do indeed need to answer to them and that they have a right to have an explanation of how and when we do things. In other words, we are accountable.
Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Saviour of the body. Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Ephesians 5:22
In being faithful and capable within our role we are able to support our husband’s in their role.
Some of the ways that we can be faithful and trustworthy within our role are:
- Making sure things are in order within the home. (It helps to have a cleaning and decluttering schedule).
2. Plan meals ahead of the week and shop accordingly.
3. If you homeschool then have a plan and timetable.
4. Anticipate your husband’s needs, such as having a drink ready when he arrives home, allow for him to have quiet time if that’s what he prefers. Have his clothing ironed and ready for the next day to name a few.
5. When he is not around, make sure that you are being faithful with your time. Don’t have long phone calls (guilty), don’t waste time on social media, wake early and be prepared for the day ahead.
6. Be faithful with money. Don’t make unnecessary purchases and learn how to be frugal. Ways that I live frugally here: https://vesselsofhonour.blog/5-ways-to-live-simply-as-a-homemaker/
7. NEVER speak badly about him to others or share personal details when he has confided in you. (Which is also a part of being discreet).
8. Pray for him!
Being a faithful helpmeet within our role does require discipline on our part as well as a heart that seeks to be faithful and honest in all we do. Ironically, giving of ourselves within our role brings many blessings not only to others but ourselves. We will find an immense sense of purpose and joy in our days. This does not mean it will always be easy but it will be fulfilling. Another spiritual blessing is that I can go to the Lord with a clear conscience knowing that I am living for Him. I am growing in Character as a seek to be a Faithful helpmeet.
I hope that you have been blessed by this post and I pray that you would seek to be a faithful helpmeet to your husband as unto the Lord, King Jesus.
God bless you,
For more encouragement read: