1 Timothy 6:8
And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.
Have you ever felt discontent with what you have? Needed a bigger or better closet of clothing? Or maybe just a new oufit. Need to upgrade the car or home? Suddenly your phone or tv seems really outdated to you. How about covetting after someone elses possessions? I know I have. Being content with what we have is not always easy. We are surrounded by advertising which tells us that we should want more. That we deserve more. Then one day, here we are, drowing in clutter, asking ourselves if this top sparks joy!?
The more stuff I let go of, the more I don’t want more stuff.
At some point something changed. The more stuff I let go of, the more I don’t want more stuff. It’s not that I don’t ever feel the desire for something new or different. I do. (I especially love interior design and decor). But I don’t feel the need to have it any more. There was this realisation that stuff just seemed to weigh me down and become more of a burden than a help.
Shopping and consumerism was never a big part of my life and I mostly only bought second hand. But I would see things I liked and just had to have it. Especially if it were something rare and vintage! Now I think about where I would put it, the maintenance and/or storage. Is it worth the money. How it would add value to my life if I were to go ahead and purchase it. And you know what happens? The desire suddenly dissipates. I am then free to admire without the desire to acquire.
Being Content with what you already have
Learning to be content with what you already have is really a result of being grateful for what you already have. Believe me, there is so much that we as Christians can be thankful for. That Christ died for us and saved us from eternal damnation is a big one.
If you ever feel disappointed or envious because you don’t own something, just think of 1 Timothy 6:8. Truly, if we are blessed with food, shelter and clothing, then we have more than enough to be thankful for:)
Ephesians 5:20
Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;