modest dress

This is a post I’ve been wanting to write for literally years! Modesty as a believer has been a special journey for me for sure. I get comments and questions about it yet have never written about it. So I wanted to share in this post my personal framework or standard for modesty in dress and appearance.

Please take note that I do not believe that every Christian woman needs to dress or look just like me! There is freedom in modesty in that the bible does not give specifics on dress such as colours, patterns, styles etc. However this is the conclusion I have come to through study of the Word, commandments and biblical principals, prayer and personal conviction as well as my husband’s input and blessing throughout this entire journey of modesty.

I may share my full testimony in another post but here are my guidelines that I hope will give you food for thought.


God wants there to be a clear distinction between man and woman. From the beginning we can see that God made man (Adam) first, then made woman (Eve) and they were assigned different roles for their distinct gender. Man would toil the land and woman would bear children. What does this have to do with clothing?! We are to embrace our God given gender by dressing accordingly and that also involves how we wear our hair, (short or long) and separate clothing style. This is especially important at a time when there is so much gender confusion and rejection of how we were created.

We also bless our husband’s when we dress in a feminine way. I love to wear soft pinks, florals and long flowy skirts and dresses.


Nakedness is sin. In the bible nakedness was and still is a shameful thing. To uncover ones nakedness was likened to exposing ones sin. We are to be covered both spiritually and physically. The righteousness of Jesus covers our sin. But we are to cover our physical body so that our physical nakedness is not exposed. Our husband should be the only one to see our nakedness because once we are married our body belongs to the other.

Not covering sufficiently can cause others to lust after us which is sin on both sides. I personally chose to wear full length skirts and dresses to the ankle, tops or dresses that come up to the neckline and tops or dresses that have actual sleeves not just straps. If a fabric is kind of sheer then I wear tops or petticoat’s underneath. I don’t wear a sack but I try to avoid tight clothing that clings to the figure.


Dressing modestly doesn’t mean looking dull or frumpy as some would have you think! I seek to look lovely but not sensual. I believe we can look feminine and lovely without drawing attention to ourselves or causing lust in others. The bible says to abstain from all appearance of evil which also makes me think of dressing in a way that has an appearance or wrong or evil. Whether we like it or not, we are judged by our appearance in our daily interactions with the world around us. What are people seeing when they look at a believer?

in like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing,  but, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works. 1 Timothy 2:9-10.

For His Glory

Above all I am dressing modestly-giving the glory to God. That may sound lofty or super spiritual but it is really choosing to humble myself and give the attention and glory to Jesus not to me. Before my modesty journey I received much attention and praise for my worldly beauty. Even if on the inside I was seeking to honour the Lord, others did not see that in me. The attention was to my appearance. Women complimented me on my eye makeup or hair. Men were drawn to my figure. Aghh! I am so thankful that the Lord revealed this pride and worldliness in me. For I am an ambassador of the King! What Kingdom do I belong to? Do others know by just looking at me?

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. 2 Corinthians 6:17
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

I have had so much more opportunity to witness because of my clothing and head-covering. People are sometimes curious and want to know about my faith or our faith as a family.


As I mentioned above that I get opportunity to witness to others through my dress. This is a blessing even though I am quite shy and don’t like attention. I am glad I get to witness in a very small way. The other side to this is that as a Christian I can’t hide. I don’t blend in with the world very much so I feel that I need to be aware of my behaviour at all times especially in public. People are watching. Prior to this, if I were having a bad day I would not be so careful in how I conduct myself in public. My accountability has gone up and that’s a good thing.

A Godly reminder

Just like public accountability I have a personal daily reminder in regards to head-covering. Although this post isn’t specifically about head-covering, it is part of my daily dress. When I put it on I am reminded that I am in submission to my husband as unto the Lord. I don’t want to be a hypocrite by wearing something on the outside but not being right on the inside so I check my heart attitude. I like having this reminder:)

The heart

All of this to say that if your heart is not in the right place and you are not being purified on the inside then none of the outside really matters.

Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may be clean also. Mathew 23:26.

The Lord has been doing a work in my heart for almost a decade ago which has translated into a more modest appearance. First I was taught more about submission and headship order, then pride and haughtiness, lust of the flesh, worldliness and more. All of this had to come from the inside out with understanding and repentance. Then as my heart changed I no longer felt comfortable with my outward appearance, full makeup, coloured and styled hair, excessive jewellery, tight skinny jeans, heels etc. Slowly but surely I have been transformed and it has been an amazing journey!

To recap:

  • Feminine
  • covered
  • Pure/lovely

All for His Glory!

I’d love to hear your thoughts and personal guidelines for modesty? As I mentioned at the beginning, these are my personal guidelines but I encourage you to study the Word, pray and seek the will of God for yourself when seeking to obey the commandments to be modest.

God bless you ladies!

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