Welcome to Vessels of Honour! 
I am a Christian Home-maker, Wife of one loving Husband, Mother of two sweet Daughters and owner (mum) of one tiny Chihuahua! Originally from New Zealand, now my home is in Tasmania, Australia. I enjoy reading, writing, tea, vintage things and learning more about how to serve the Lord Jesus Christ daily.
The purpose of this blog is to share what the Lord has put on my heart; a calling for all woman to come back to biblical womanhood and follow God’s perfect design for woman according to His word. Especially Titus 2:5. To find joy in home-making.
I also write about my journey to a more Simple life. Faith & Simplicity.
Being a keeper at home is a varied and creative role and there is always something new to learn! I love finding and sharing ways to better manage the home and care for our family. (I also have a passion for cleaning and organising the home). As a qualified Nutritionist and Herbalist, I enjoy using natural remedies and products and trying new healthy recipes.
My hope and prayer is that you will find encouragement from my blog and join me on the journey of becoming the woman whom God created you to be.
May God bless you with his love and Grace,